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Stuart MacBride
December 2015
December 2015
reviewed: P.S. I Love You
First thing First:Never judge a book by its movie. True Book is absolutely different from the movie. I watched a movie and cr...
P.S. I Love You - Cecelia Ahern
finished reading:
December 2015
reviewed: பார்த்திபன் கனவு
I glad to read this book, after completing Sivagamyun Sabatham I missed Narasimha Varman. I am happy to read about cholas aft...
பார்த்திபன் கனவு - Kalki
finished reading:
December 2015
reviewed: Animal Farm
[b:Animal Farm|7613|Animal Farm|George Orwell|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1424037542s/7613.jpg|2207778] is the satire ficti...
Animal Farm - George Orwell
finished reading:
December 2015
reviewed: Artemis Fowl
Is it evolution limited to humans? No. Not at all. [a:Eoin Colfer|10896|Eoin Colfer|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/125433642...
Artemis Fowl  - Eoin Colfer
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: Clockwork Princess
Victorian era shadow hunter legacy! I never thought of book that will leave a scar, rejoice, memories. [b:Clockwork Princess|...
Clockwork Princess  - Cassandra Clare
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: Oh Shit Not again
This book is good for the people who like Bollywood flicks.
Oh Shit Not again - Mandar Kokate
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: The Grand Design
If you're geek, you are alrite to read this book. If not, Don't push yourself just read. [b:The Grand Design|8520362|The Gran...
The Grand Design - Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: The Kill Order (Maze Runner #0.5)
I never thought [b:The Kill Order|13089710|The Kill Order (Maze Runner, #0.5)|James Dashner|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/133...
The Kill Order (Maze Runner #0.5) - James Dashner
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: Twelfth Grade Kills
No words to say!I never expect the final book of high school vampire chronicles will be with such a twist of emotions. I am g...
Twelfth Grade Kills - Heather Brewer
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: How to Train Your Dragon
"Never judge a book by its movie", True words.I loved the Hiccup Horrendous Haddock iii in the book. No matter what you're ag...
How to Train Your Dragon - Cressida Cowell
finished reading:
November 2015
reviewed: The Iron Knight
Last of Iron Fey series! [b:The Iron Knight|9659607|The Iron Knight (The Iron Fey, #4)|Julie Kagawa|https://d.gr-assets.com/b...
The Iron Knight - Julie Kagawa
finished reading:
October 2015
reviewed: Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I should have read this book a decade before . But reading this book made me smile at many pages and continuously remind me ...
Diary of a Wimpy Kid  - Jeff Kinney
finished reading:
October 2015
reviewed: I Say Unto You: Osho Rajneesh
I learned two lessons from [b:Hatching Twitter|25413956|Hatching Twitter|Nick Bilton|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1429805730...
I Say Unto You: Osho Rajneesh - Osho, Ma P. Asha
reviewed: The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users
My first book related to Social media. I'd like the way [a:Guy Kawasaki|21269|Guy Kawasaki|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/13...
The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users - Guy Kawasaki, Peg Fitzpatrick
finished reading:
finished reading: